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EBUFC Junior & Women's - 'Giving something back'

EBUFC Junior & Women's - 'Giving something back'

Gavin Bailey23 Jul 2021 - 14:03

EBUFC - 'Giving something back'

EBUFC Junior & Women's FC have made a very generous decision to reduce annual subscriptions fees for 21/22 ( for ALL players who paid full fees last season 20/21 ) from the normal £130 down to £30.

The committee made this decision prior to the AGM in preparation for the upcoming 21/22 season.

EBUFC online caught up with new EBUFC Junior & Women's Chairperson Lee Partridge and asked for details and the reason for this kind gesture.

Lee Partridge commented ' The FC is in a very sound financial position despite Covid. The situation we have been through, not only last season but the tail end of the previous one, has been incredibly disruptive on the pitch but also off the pitch.

We still faced ongoing monthly costs however we received support from numerous sources whilst also not having the normal regular expenditure faced by us and many other local clubs. The normal yearly costs of winter training and referee costs ( due to number of games played ) were minimal compared to previous season's therefore we thought it only fair to 'give something back'.

We want to make sure we look after the very people who are committed and involved with our club. It really came down to whether we thought people paying the £ 130 last season got value for money! and we felt as a club we were in the position to support everyone who had supported us. Anyone new will obviously continue to pay the normal £130 but i think everyone who received the £100 reduction this season will really appreciate it. I know some were pleasantly taken aback but that'w what we stand for as a club'

Along with support from numerous sources our 'Greenshoots' saturday morning football club also brings a nice revenue stream into the club, as all coaches volunteer. This has enabled us to purchase new equipment for the benefit of ALL involved with the club, from mini soccer all the way through to our Ladies teams.

'The club is being built from the bottom up in a controlled and sustainable way. We hope we will really see the full benefits of our plan within the next few years, hopefully resulting in the senior 'A' teams being a regular stepping stone between junior and men's football.'

'As Chairperson i'm looking at long term progress for the club, making sure the right people are involved and who want the best for the club, not just individual teams. Regular monthly meetings will be held for ALL teams linked to the club where we ALL get a say in the progress, development and future of the club. ALL teams being treated equally on/off the pitch, seeing how the FC money is being spent and having a voice at the table.'

The future is bright, the future is Green

Further reading